I Was A Bright Student But Constantly Failed in CA.
Now, What should I do ?
This is the real question of many people. They loose hope. They get depressed.
My Advice –
Analyse yourself once again. Rethink about your life targets, goals and dreams. Re-think about your strength and weakness. Re-think about your likes and dislikes. This re-analysis will help you in getting answers.
Mile stones, goals and dreams.
First you see a DREAM. Now to make it true dream, think of a goal which you may like to achieve in next 5 years. (You can set and reset yourself to a higher goal after 5 years). Now think of a career in which you may be interested and which can help you to achieve the goal. Now think of ways or methods or PATHS. There may be many possible paths. Select one which you find most interesting and most feasible. Set MILE STONES and target these mile stones. If you meet failures, you can try again or re-plan your mile stones or path or goal or if needed you can forget that dream and see another dream.
Saurabh, 12th standard commerce student, saw a dream to become rich successful taxation professional. He set his goal to become a practicing taxation professional in next 5 years. He was interested in commerce. He analysed four ways to achieve his goal.
CA after 12th ( 3 to 5 years)
B.Com then CA (5 to 6 years)
Integrated LLB after 12th and thereafter practice legal financial taxation cases in court (5 years)
B.Com and thereafter LLB followed by practice legal financial taxation cases in court (6 years)
He selected 2nd path. This path had two phases. (1) Completing B.Com (2) Completing CA. He knew that B.Com. will have 3 milestones – Passing First Year of B.Com, Passing Second Year of B.Com, Passing Third Year of B.Com Similarly he knew mile stones of CA also like passing CA-CPT, internship, passing CA-IPCC, …
Move, Achieve, Analyse
Once you have set your goals, path, mile stones … you can start moving. After achieving every mile stone, look back and analyse. Analyse time, efforts, resources and other related things. This will help you to plan journey to next milestone. In case of failure to achieve the target or mile stone, do similar analyses. In case of continuous failures, re-analyse and rethink about your sub-goals or path or mile stones. You can plan small distance mile stones or change the path or change the goal or if needed you can dream another dream.
Saurabh followed 2nd path and achieved his mile stones and reached his goal. Today he is practicing taxation. His friend Dinesh also followed similar path. He completed B.Com but could not achieve CA milestones. After few attempts he re-analysed his strength and weakness. He also re-analysed about time, efforts, resources and other related things. He decided that CA was not for him and he changed his path from 2nd to 4th. He did LLB and today he is practicing financial lawyer, doing well and earning well.
Help Yourself
What is your Dream ?
To make the dream true, what is your short term Goal, say in next 5 years, what is your long term Goal, say in next 20 years ?
To achieve your Goal, what are different possible ways or methods or paths ? Which one you like and which is most feasible ?
In selected path, you can have different stations or phases. To reach each station or to complete each phase, there may be different milestones, where you may like to stop for a moment, look back and analyse your success yatra. Set your milestones.
Now start, move ahead. Analyse your success or failure at each milestone. Plan and re-plan, if required.
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Note : The examples are hypothetical. Solutions and suggestions may differ case to case. Call or Visit us and discuss.
Counselor - Dr. Arun Mishra